Marketing a new book? Me?


I am the proud father of a new book, The Waves of Change.

The ingredients include: it is set by the seaside; the main character’s life is transformed by art; his young head is turned by women; but there’s always a lurking sense of guilt about a promise made to his dying father, who spent his life renting out deckchairs and being loyal to his friends and associates.

So that’s all good.

The question is, though – how do I get you to read it?

Last time I checked there were about five MILLION books listed on Amazon, for example. Look in one of the major bookshops and the choice is dizzying (and you can often get a well known writer as part of a buy one and get one half price offer).

How can I make myself heard, get myself seen without spending a lot of money?

Or should I not be worried about that? After all, I don’t write to be famous or wealthy, I write because I love it, and It benefits me in so many ways.

Hang on a minute!

Guess what? I’ve answered my own question… I’ll do my best at marketing my new book, but I won’t lose sleep over it.

Thanks for sitting there quietly and letting me ramble on until I found my answer.

Oh, and by the way, if you want a good book to settle down with in your deckchair this summer, you know where to go…
